
Norwalk Little League Board

Every one of our board members are volunteers who donate much of their spare time working tirelessly to ensure the league is doing all that it can to provide the best experience for our players and their families.

Check out all of the volunteers below and be sure to thank them for their hard work next time you see them at the field, walking around the snack bar, coaching one of our teams, or leading an event! 

Please ask any of us if you are interested in getting involved and helping us make the league a little better thanks to your contribution!  We are always looking for extra help and opinions to make the league grown and prosper!  Thank You!

FALL 2024-SPRING 2025

- President:  Donovan Williams
- Vice President:  Jesus Lopez
- Player Agent: Kat Salomon
- Treasurer: Domingo Castellanos
- Secretary: Ivania Quezada
- Safety and Insurance: Jose Moran


-Equipment Manager- Kevin Morris
- Social Media Coordinator:Tanya Williams
- Information Coordinator/ Website: Kaitlyn Ramos
-Fundraising and Outreach Coordinator: April Williams

- Concessions/ Snack Bar Coordinator: Kaitlyn Ramos
-Team Parent Coordinator- Kaitlyn Ramos
-Umpire in Chief:  Domingo Castellanos
-Field Maintenance: Jesus Lopez

-MB/MA Rep- Danny Arreola
-TB/MC Rep- Jose Moran

- Board Member at Large: Walter Flores
- Board Member at Large:Sandra Gaytan
- Board Member at Large: Leslie Garcia
- Board Member at Large: Gabby Olivas
-Board Member at Large: Martha Lopez

Open Positions:
-Marketing and Public Relations: 
-Coaching Coordinator:
-Sponsorship Coordinator:

- Juniors Rep: 
- Majors Rep:


Local Sponsors